Economic Development

Batchewana First Nation Economic Development Program




The questionaire is focussed on, whether we should have our own Election Code. As well, there are some general governance questions.

An Election Code, if we decide to go in this direction, means we get to design our own Code for voting style elections.  If at some point in the future, we decide to have  Anishinabek governance we still have the option to pursue that in a self-government process.

This survey is open to all interested Band Members. It allows membership to provide input into the design and development of Batchewana First Nation Band Custom Election Leadership Code.


1.    Are you a Batchewana First Nation Band member?
    Yes ______            No______

2.    Do you think we should have an election code?
    Yes ______            No______

3.    In which form should voting occur? (select any that you think should apply) ?
a.    Electronic voting              ___
b.    In person Ballot             ___
c.    Advanced polling stations        ___
d.    Mail In Ballots            ___
e.    ALL of the above            ___

f.    Other - Please Explain ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.    Should candidates for Chief & Council have some education and/or life experience ?
    Yes ______            No______

Please explain __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.    Currently under the Indian Act candidates do not need to accept their nomination. What can happen is people could be nominated and not know it.  Should candidates be required to confirm or accept their Nomination?
    Yes ______            No______

6.    Should candidates be a certain age? If so what minimum age would you suggest?
    Yes ______            No______            Minimum Age   ________

7.    Should BFN request bid for the  Electoral Officer ?
    Yes ______            No______

8.    Could the Electoral Officer come from our BFN?
    Yes ______            No______

9.    Should there be more than one polling Station on Election Day (ie Rankin, Goulais, Obadjiwan)?
    Yes ______            No______
Other polling stations ___________________________________________________

10.    Should we have an advance polling station?
    Yes ______            No______

11.    Should there be a limit on the number of Terms allowed for an individual to hold a seat/serve on Chief & Council? (1 term = 2yrs)
    Yes ______            No______

    If you chose "YES" select one of the following number of terms:

    2   ____  3_____   4 ____   5_____ 6 ___   7____ 8 ____ 9___10____    Other ____

12.     Should there be a mandatory pre-election Forum?
    Yes ______            No______

13.    Under the present Indian Act election system the position of Chief does not need to be a Band member. Should the Chief and Councillor positions all be held by Band Members?
    Yes ______            No______

14.    Should Employees/Administration staff be eligible for seats on Chief & Council?
    Yes ______            No______         If yes should;

a.    They be allowed to hold their job with pay and function as leadership?
    Yes ______            No______

b.    Should they have to resign their position ____
    Yes ______            No______

c.    Should take a leave from their position ; Yes /or/ No
            Once nominated        ____
            Once Elected            ____
            Non of the Above        ____

15.    Should elected officials swear an Oath of Office once elected?
    Yes ______            No______

16.    The Election Code process requires an appeal process, that excludes INAC.  Should the appeal process have an Election Appeal Committee?
    Yes ______            No______

17.    The current term of office for Chief and Council is 2 years. How long do you think this term should be?
    2yrs ____   3yrs ____   4yrs ____    Other: _________

18.    Council presently consists of 8 councillors. How many councillors should be elected to represent BFN?
    8, ___    9, ___    10,___    11,____ 12,____ Other ____

19.    Presently a candidate can run for both the position of Chief and Councillor. What positions should a person be able to run for. (Choose 1) :

        Both Chief & Council    ______
        Chief (only)            ______
        Council (only)        ______

20.    Should there be a refundable deposit for those running  for Chief and Council?
    Yes ______            No______        If yes suggested amount ________

21.    Should there be a position described as Head Councillor or Vice-Chief?
    Yes ______            No______

a.    If Yes
i.    Should it be highest number of votes for Councillor?
            Yes ______            No______

ii.    Should the position be filled by a Councillor, appointed by Council?
            Yes ______            No______

iii.    Should it be a separate position voted on by the membership?

iv.    Other


22.    Should general membership meetings be mandatory ?
    Yes ______            No______

23.    How often would you like to see general membership meetings happen?
    monthly _____ ; every 3 months _____ ; every six months ____;  Other _________

24.    Presently the Chief is not allowed to vote on issues at meetings that are before the Council, unless it is to break a tie. (Old style INAC rules)  
a.    Do you think the Chief should be able to vote on matters before Council?
    Yes ______            No______

25.    Should there be a position described as Head Councillor or Vice-Chief?
    Yes ______            No______

a.    If Yes
i.    Should it be highest number of votes for Councillor?
            Yes ______            No______

ii.    Should the position be filled by a Councillor, appointed by Council?
            Yes ______            No______

iii.    Should it be a separate position voted on by the membership?

iv.    Other

26.     Should there be more financial reporting of all Band entities and departments, including for example, Band Administration, Blue Heron Industrial Park, Rankin Arena, Bingo Hall and all entities we own fully, partially or are partners in?
    Yes ______            No______

a.    If yes should;
i.    budgets be presented and
ii.    Operating statements showing all expenses - including
iii.    Other: ______________________________________________________



Comments/Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank You for Your Input

Please e-mail completed survey to
For further information please contact Marlene Hewson at (705) 759-0914 ext. 224 or Raven Lesage at ext. 207

Hard copies of the survey can be picked up at the Batchewana First Nation administration office: 236 Frontenac Street, Batchewana First Nation, P6A6Z1


The goal of the program is to support community and social development linking
the economic needs to the social, cultural and environmental realities of
Batchewana First Nation communities. It is a base to build the communities
self-reliance and generate  
sustainable economic growth, community control and to increase the
capacity for Batchewana First Nation members to participate in the economy.

The program mandate is to effectively manage and be accountable for
program funding intended to support economic development in
training and employment support, business support, resource
management support and other related economic development activities
undertaken on behalf of Batchewana First Nation Communities and
its membership.

Training & Employment (Employment Assistance Support)
To encourage and promote education & occup0ation training to form a 
well-rounded skilled work force who can actively compete in both the
Native  and Non-native labour markets.
 The occupational skills training program provides employment assistance 
support (EAS) and is administrated by the Economic Development Officer. 
It will be delivered in accordance with training and employment guidelines                           
under the occupational skills component of the BFN Economic
Development Program.
The Economic Development Officer will provide training and employment 
assistance to First Nation Members on and off reserve, in the following areas:
1. Employment Start-up: assistance will be provided to BFN members who 
are entering full time, part time and seasonal employment. The
individuals will provide confirmation, in writing from an employer indicating
that they are being considered for employment, this will also include an
outline of materials and supplies required. Eligible expenses: Supplies
(hard hats, work boots, gloves safety glasses, etc.) · Clothes (Nursing 
Uniforms, coveralls, etc. · One time travel expense (relocation) ·
Not eligible for funding for 24 months (2 years)
2. Pre- Employment Assistance: Assistance will be provided to assist clients
with necessary skills training that will allow them to secure full time
employment and actively compete in the unique labour market. 
Individuals will be required to provide necessary correspondence and
fees specific to their requests (testing fees, certificates to be acquired, etc.)
If the individual has secured employment supporting documentation will 
have to accompany the request and will clearly define duration of job
and any prerequisites that may apply to the individual securing the position.
· Supplies (hard hats, work boots, gloves safety glasses, etc.) · Clothes
(Nursing Uniforms, coveralls, etc. · One time travel expense (relocation)
· Not eligible for funding for 24 months (2 years)
2. Assistance will be provided to assist clients with necessary skills training
that will allow them to secure full time employment and actively compete
in the unique labour market. Individuals will be required to provide
necessary correspondence and fees specific to their requests (testing fees,
certificates to be acquired, etc.) If the individual has secured employment
supporting documentation will have to accompany the request and will
clearly define duration of job and any prerequisites that may apply to
the individual securing the position.
Eligible Expenses:
· CPIC’s
· Recertification’s (First Aid CPR, Welding tickets, etc.)
· Medicals
· Bus Passes
· Testing fees
· Travel Expenses – relocation (one time expense)
· Not eligible for funding for 24 months (2 years)
Business Support
Create an awareness and atmosphere for the socio-economic
 development of Community Owned Business and Small
Business Enterprise for BFN Entrepreneurs & Communities
(Rankin Reserve15D, Goulais Mission 15A, Obadjiwan Reserve
 15E, White Fish Island )

"The Membership Prosperity Fund Program"

This program provides small business loans to BFN members.
The funds are intended to enhance,promote and encourage
self-employment opportunities and community based economic
development objectives to improve access to other resources.
The dollars are to be used for business development projects
and capacity building projects. Create an awareness and
atmosphere for the socio-economic development of
Community Owned Business and Small Business
Enterprise for BFN Entrepreneurs & Communities (Rankin
Reserve 15D, Goulais Mission 15A, Obadjiwan Reserve
15E, White Fish Island )This program provides small
business loans to BFN members. The funds are intended
to enhance, promote and encourage self-employment 
opportunities and community based economic development
objectives to improve access to other resources. The dollars
are to be used for business development projects and capacity
building projects.
1. The BFN Membership Prosperity Fund program will promote
community self-reliance and sustainable economic growth and
increase community economic development activity.
2. The program will increase the capacity for Batchewana First
Nation Members to participate in the economy.
3. The program will strive to address the economic development
needs of Batchewana First Nation programs, members and
4. The program will improve ability to access other resources
for business or economic projects.
5. The program funding will be distributed on a fair and equitable
Guidelines: Business Development Projects assistance may be
provided to applicants for the start-up of a new business of the
expansion or modernization of an existing business.
Business Development Projects assistance may be provided to
applicants for the start-up of a new business of the expansion or
modernization of an existing business.
Economic Capacity Building grants may be awarded to projects
that demonstrate impediments in pursing business initiatives
due to the lack of resources (ie Business development / planning
projects, training, studies, etc.) To assist with projects that
promotes the ability to engage in future business.
1. The dollars are to be used in the following five areas.
a) Economic and Human Resource Planning
b) Business training (ie Seminars, workshops)
c) Entrepreneurship
d) Small Business (new and existing)
e) Community Investment
2. One application per client per year
3. Applications will be assessed on merit and viability as long
as the criteria is met.
4. quotes are required and must accompany application
5. No funding for two consecutive years.
6. Each applicant is limited to the budgeted amount as outlined
 on the application forms under "Source of Funds"
7. Any money used by this fund must be matched dollar for dollar
and / or in kind contribution ie.
Applicant share - $1,000.00
TMPFP Request - $1,000.00
Project Costs - $2,000.00
8. This is a loan fund and is based on a 75% (repayable), 25%
(forgivable). upon approval of the application a loan agreement
will be entered into with the recipient
9. MANDATORY Proof / Confirmation of Business Insurance.
***Detailed Application and Business Information Forms can be
obtained at the Batchewana First Nation Administration Office or
if requested will be forwarded by mail.
Resource Management
To build capacity, create platforms and focal points to guide
the activities and direction of our natural economic resources to
meet the needs and priorities of our communities